Homeowner Tips

Innovative Storage Solutions to Boost Your Curb Appeal

Posted on Jun 12, 2024 in Homeowner Tips

Enhancing the exterior of your home not only improves its overall aesthetic but also significantly increases its market value. It is the first impression your home makes on visitors and potential buyers. In this context, innovative storage solutions are not just about organizing spaces but also essential in enhancing your home’s exterior. By incorp...

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How to support your kids during a move

Posted on Sep 16, 2023 in Homeowner Tips

Moving can be a very exciting time for a family. The anticipation of new surroundings, opportunities and a fresh start can be quite enticing. However, moving is considered a major life event, and affects all children differently.

If you are a parent who is looking for ways to help your child handle the moving process and adjust to their new environm...

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Fighting your BC Assessment & Property Taxes

Posted on Jan 25, 2022 in Homeowner Tips

BC Assessment has released this year's data, which shows a sharp increase in values across the province. This has left many British Columbians feeling helpless and even anxious as they await their property tax notice, which will likely reflect the increase in the amount you owe. 

Although your initial reaction to seeing the jump in value might feel l...

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Here Are the Best Ways to Navigate Buying a Home During Retirement

Posted on Aug 01, 2021 in Homeowner Tips

Moving for or during retirement may not be your ideal life plan. However, there are many benefits to downsizing, moving closer to family, or getting out from under an expensive mortgage. Finding the right home for your golden years may not be as challenging as you think. Realty team Jared Franczak & Associates offers some of the best ways to naviga...

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Indoor and Outdoor Home Maintenance: Getting Your Home Summer Ready

Posted on Jun 24, 2021 in Homeowner Tips

Summer has officially arrived in the Okanagan Valley and it is hot! But before you head to the beach, you may want to give your home a once over to make sure it’s ready for the summer months ahead. To help you prepare, we have made a list with 10 tasks you don’t want to miss out on. Here is your guide to completing indoor and outdoor home maintenan...

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Thompson Okanagan 2020 Property Assessments Released 

Posted on Jan 03, 2020 in Homeowner Tips

2020 Assessments have been mailed, however if you don't want to wait to find out if your property value has changed since last year, you can but you can find out online by entering your address here

A common misconception is that a significant change in your assessed value will result in a proportionately significant change in your property taxes.


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